7 Ways to Play Better Golf on a Budget | Play Golf on Destination Places


Not everyone can afford the best golf equipment or go on Algarve Golf Holidays, but it does not mean that you cannot play golf like a pro on a budget. Even without money or just a little cash, you can learn to be a better golfer.

We have compiled these seven actionable tips to help you become a better golfer with the little you have to spare for golf. These strategies are tested and tried. Even if not all might work for your particular situation, you will find something that will be useful to you.

play golf in budget

Seven Tips for Playing Better Golf on a Budget

You can become a better golf player without spending too much as most wealthy golf players do. Here are a few tips that you can follow to play better golf and save money.

1.     Build Your Golf Clubs

You can save cost and play better golf by building your golf clubs yourself. You get to make them to your taste, which can help improve your playing skills. All you have to do is purchase each component and put it together. You can learn how to do it online.

Purchasing the components saves you money. You can also get fabulous deals on the parts on eBay. You should also learn how to re-grip your golf clubs. It will save you the $2 and gas money you will spend when you take it to the golf club. Choosing new golf shafts is also going to be an important part of putting together a new club

This practice will allow you to recover clubs you have stopped using. You will also be getting more value than if you tried to resell them at a golf store.

  1. Set Up a Practice Area at Home

You can save a lot of money while improving your golf skills by having a practice area at home. You can improve on various aspects of your golf without spending gas money, paying for the use of a golf course, and other expenses going out incurs.

All you have to do is learn all the necessary components of the practice area and drill that will help you improve your golf skills. You can find swing classes online that will guide you from start to finish.

  1. Go to Mini Golf Tours

You don’t have to go to a PGA Tour event before you can learn more about golf. A Mini Tour will cost less, and you will also get to see the future PGA players play.

Unlike at PGA Tours, you can watch each player closely, and you might also even get to speak with one of the players after the game. There are several mini-tours that you will enjoy online.

  1. Make Use of YouTube

It is not until you have a world-class coach that you can learn to play golf excellently. You can gain a lot from the thousands of instructional videos on YouTube. However, be very selective of who you listen to as there is as much bad advice as there are good ones.

  1. Keep Track in a Golf Journal

One of the best ways to improve your golf prowess at zero cost is to record your progress in a golf journal. You can make the journal daily or weekly. From the journal, you will be able to know how much progress you are making and track the trends in your playing.

  1. Book Ahead or Play after 5 p.m.

If you don’t have the space to practice at home and you have to go to a golf course, here are two strategies that can help you save costs. When you book your tee time a week ahead or more, you can save up to $10 or more.

By the time you build a relationship with the head pro at your golf course, you get to play for free or at a discounted rate when you play just before dark. While it is not the best play condition, you would not have to wait for other people, and you can practice more.

  1. Teach Someone Golf

Teaching someone is one of the best ways to get something to stick with you, and you gain a more precise understanding. However, if you don’t understand the golf game to an extent where you can explain in simple terms, don’t attempt to teach someone.

You should ensure you have built your golf knowledge to a good measure before you try this tip. How easy you find teaching golf to another person is a good indicator of how well you understand the game. Once you think you know a concept well, try to explain it to another person.


Golf is a game where you need to keep improving continually. However, you don’t have to rob a bank to achieve the perfection you want. Along with the tips that we have provided above, ensure you read golf books and take only good golf advice, and you are on your way to becoming the next golf pro without spending too much.

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Paul Osborne